Single vegetable salads recipe

Single vegetable salads are excellent in summer when lots of produce are coming ripe.  They may be cheap at the shops, or you may have an abundance in your garden which you need to use up.  At these times you can use just one vegetable that you have a lot of to make a delicious salad. 

 Single vegetable salads are also great when you have someone in your group or family who does not like or is allergic to particular vegetables.  You can make several salads, each based around just one vegetable, and people can eat and enjoy the ones that suit them and avoid the others.


Each salad will use just one vegetable, chopped, sliced or grated.

To this will be added vegetable oil (most people like olive but others are ok too) and either vinegar or lemon juice.  Essentially we are creating a vinaigrette but we are mixing it in the salad instead of pre-mixing it.  The vinegar will bring out the fresh flavours of the vegetables and the oil will give a smoothness and consistency.  Some vegetables will be more acid than others and so will need less vinegar and others will require more oil, you can adjust this to your own taste with each vegetable that you use.

Each salad will also have some other ingredients added to provide complementary flavours and textures.  What you use will depend on what you have available and what you feel like.  Some suggestions are:

Sunflower seeds, Walnuts, Dried Cranberries, Raisins, Salt, Pepper, Dried Herbs, Olives, Capers, Sundried tomatoes, Fresh Mint Leaves, Fresh Rosemary, Crushed Pineaple.

See the video for more instructions:

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